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I talk about books to my camera on regular intervals. Sometimes people watch the results. http://www.youtube.com/user/WordsofaReader

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Oliver Twist
Charles Dickens, Philip Horne
The Group (Harvest Book)
Mary McCarthy
I Capture the Castle
Dodie Smith
Of Mice and Magic: A History of American Animated Cartoons; Revised and Updated
Leonard Maltin, Jerry Beck
The Shadow Thief
Alexandra Adornetto
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason
The Eyre Affair (Thursday Next Series #1)
The Rising Tide (VMC)
Molly Keane

The Seeing Stone (Spiderwick Chronicles Series #2)

The Seeing Stone (Spiderwick Chronicles Series #2) - The Seeing Stone is the second volume in the Spiderwick Chronicles. Reading this book again really made me wish this series had of been around when I was a pre-teen since I’m convinced I would have loved the somewhat darker more sinister aspect that this book introduces.Several more mystical entities, both friendly and sinister make themselves known in this book.The Grace children find themselves fighting for their lives in the woods surrounding their house but none of them seem to have the presence of mind to seek out help. A fact that I find entirely annoying as a adult. I understand that these are written for small children for whom it is very much ‘us’ against the world but honestly, it does get a little frustrating.Still an enjoyable and oh so brief read.