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I talk about books to my camera on regular intervals. Sometimes people watch the results. http://www.youtube.com/user/WordsofaReader

Currently reading

Oliver Twist
Charles Dickens, Philip Horne
The Group (Harvest Book)
Mary McCarthy
I Capture the Castle
Dodie Smith
Of Mice and Magic: A History of American Animated Cartoons; Revised and Updated
Leonard Maltin, Jerry Beck
The Shadow Thief
Alexandra Adornetto
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason
The Eyre Affair (Thursday Next Series #1)
The Rising Tide (VMC)
Molly Keane

Mr. Rosenblum's List

Mr. Rosenblum's List: or Friendly Guidance For The Aspiring Englishman - Natasha Solomons Lovely hopeful little read. Watch my video recommendation here - http://youtu.be/Ypoe6i_SofM